
Key determinants of Urban Sustenance

BY : Ms. Carla guerrera
April, 2018

Strong voices are emerging on the need to re-evaluate our approach to city futures. We appear to be at a global crossroads of sorts, when it comes to the ability of human beings to thrive and survive in cities for generations to come; and we must take a leap in how we plan and design cities of the future. It will be important to ensure that cities are climate-positive, for example, and every dimension and element of our urban spaces needs to be rethought from that lens.

The good news is that global best practices in sustainable and smart urban development abound. India, with the right vision, commitments and leadership, has significant opportunity to learn from these practices – not only from the successful ones, but also from the failures. The potential for sustainable urban development in India is unique and powerful; and India can emerge as a global leader in city creation. Investments in renewable energy and mass transit systems, and a focus on cities for people, will be crucial in determining urban experiences in India going forward.

Some of the key determinants towards ensuring long-term urban sustenance and quality of life include:

  1. Housing across income levels and stages of life
  2. Health – clean air, clean water and land to grow food
  3. Mobility and transportation systems that are unencumbered
  4. Good governance systems for security and safety
  5. The ability to give back to society or make contributions
  6. Places for social connection and interaction